The Secret Key to Manifestation

What is the secret key to manifestation?

This is perhaps the one thing you have completely overlooked and is why the results you are seeking in your life fail to manifest your desires.

Having spoken and observed many I believe most are seeking to manifest the highest version of themselves, to live their Ultimate life with great purpose, joy, love and abundance.

Before reading on…pause for a moment…you will receive so much more if you do…

Take three long slow deep breaths. Imagine each breath is like a figure 8, with no beginning and no end.

Now Stay with me as you read my beloved…and you shall arrive at a greater understanding.

Did you know? Ancient scripture reveals “Seek first the kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you.” Matthew, Chapter 5

When we devote ourselves to knowing God first with an earnest heart, God will guide us to all the necessary understandings to create and manifest the life of our dreams.

This is my innate truth, my life experience as my life has been enriched in all ways since the moment I surrendered to God’s Divine will.

Stay with me…there is MORE

Why do we resist? Why is this the hardest step? To surrender fully, to let go of control…

Why does one feel the need to figure it all out by themselves? To be in control of everything. Ahh my beloved this is the mighty ego, or shall I say the ego likes to act mighty and will happily give you many distractions to try and keep you off of your true path of remembrance of ALL that you are.

I will share with you if you have forgotten, that you are already whole, perfect and complete. You are an extension of God/Source/Universal Intelligence ( He who has a thousand names and he who is the unnameable One)

You, my beloved, are a child of God, inside of God, and an extension of the One Mind, not separate. God is not an external being in the sky. HE is within you and you are in HIM. The access point or in science today they like to call it the zero point, where no polarity exists resides within your sacred heart. You are MORE than a physical human being. You are a spiritual being having a human earthly experience. An aspect of you, your higher self (Holy Christ Self) resides in the spirit realm: Your soul resides in your physical body but ALL is connected. ALL is One.

Surrendering to God’s divine will, the higher will for your life is simply trusting ALL that is you and greater! Surrendering fully aligns you with your wiser ALL knowing spiritual self, referred to your mighty I AM Presence, which is an extension of God.

My beloved, you are not giving anything up. You are gaining everything! The remembrance of ALL the LIGHT that is YOU!

It is the human ego, our earthly human self that wants to keep us small and limited. But through conscious choice, the free will God gave us all, YOU can CHOOSE to rise above the limited ego and be guided to the self-actualization of your highest potential, your brightest LIGHT!

God’s LOVE will guide you to overturn all beliefs, judgments of self and others, thoughts and words that limit you. Do you really believe your earthly mind can do all this by itself?

I ask you to BE still and contemplate this yourself. You do not need to take my word for it and it is most wise that you don’t. Question, my beloved. Question always!

Who is God? or What is the definition of God anyways?

“God is Love …whosoever lives in love then God lives in him.”  1st John Chapter 4, verse 17

IMAGINE having the power and sheer goodness of unconditional love guiding your life in each moment. What would take place?

Something good I AM certain of it.

So what is it you think you are seeking to manifest my beloved? A love relationship, success in your business, health for yourself and your family, more abundance, peace, more joy, more LOVE.

Well, there are no limits my beloveds. Lead with LOVE and seek first the kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you.

On my journey, I discovered all the secrets to manifesting the life of my dreams. What I have not shared clearly with you is that I  never did it alone.

I choose to walk with God. I choose to pray with God. I choose to grieve with God. I choose to allow God to lead me on a path to clearing and opening my heart further so MORE LOVE can stream through me to you. This is not an accident. I was actively seeking God first.

I will share that before I lay my head upon my pillow at night my daily devotional prayer is to God, with God in a quiet moment with Him. I choose to have HIM in my sights, not my cellphone, the news or worries ravishing my thoughts before bed. I choose to BE still and pray with HIM. This is a simple yet powerful, free practice anyone can do. In fact, to uplevel this daily practice you may even select a piece of scripture to read before closing your eyes and ask for deeper inner-standing as you sleep.

Lovingly God has led me to discover many of the magic and miracles of the universe. I was shown the laws of the universe or God’s laws and how to work with them to consciously create for the greater good of my life and within the whole.

Not only has my life been enriched but my family and far beyond. The miracles are always far greater than my human earthly mind can imagine. The ripple effect, I bear witness to is miraculous. Miracles I do not take credit for because I know they are miracles of God’s LOVE.

My life is a miracle and yours is too! YOU are a miracle created in the image and likeness of God. We are the same and of equal importance. Your divine gifts will be different than mine but they are of equal importance and are meant to be shared with the world.

So if you are seeking change…

Consider, my beloved to seek first the kingdom of God…

You can, of course, keep trying other ways. You are always in CHOICE.

But when you are weary of the struggle, the constant suffering and find your earthly human way is no longer working; when you get tired of your life experience being filled with pain, suffering, scarcity and lack remember these simple words:

Seek first the kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you” Matthew, Chapter 5

Perhaps it is simply a shift in your priorities that is all that is required to bring forth a quantum leap change in your life.

May God bless YOU. May LOVE flow like a fresh mountain spring in your heart. ❤️

Infinite ∞ love and light

Renata 🕊


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