Love? Everybody knows what love is right? Many of us routinely utter the common words “I love you” to someone every day. We may hear love in catchy sayings such as I am doing this “For the love of all”; Love is endless, Love is timeless or my heart is overflowing with love. We often say we are in love with someone or something.
Love encompasses a plethora of strong positive emotional and mental states involving strong attraction and emotional attachment. Love in essence is an emotional feeling we have when we think of someone or something. Our love of a child differs from our love for our spouse or our love for ice cream. Personally, I would consider real human love to be a deep connection within oneself which allows one to be compassionate and feel a strong emotional love for another without conditions.
I observe many people tossing the word ‘love’ around like it’s the birdie in a badminton match. We think we have a solid grasp of what love is but what I have observed through my own spiritual journey and the clients I serve is more often than not we humans have a very intellectual concept about love and are limited to the depth in which we are capable of feeling and expressing love.
Throughout my journey, I have experienced two types of distinct love which I will attempt to define here. One I call Earthly Love and the other can be referred to as Divine Unconditional Love. One Taoist Master made reference to these two types of love as “Human Love” and “Heavenly Love”
Earthy Love is human love. Earthly love often comes with conditions. Human love is often limited by the individual’s ability to feel the emotional and mental states associated with love. As humans, we often express what I would call ‘conditional love’ where we only express our love if certain outer conditions are met by the other person, such as a person behaving in a certain way that is acceptable to us.
We may not be consciously aware of this but if we begin to observe our response to others we can begin to witness often where we withhold our love based on the morals, values, beliefs, and judgments we hold within ourselves. This however is not always the case. The strongest bond of human love I have witnessed is maternal love; the love of a child with their mother seems to be unconditional and without limits. However, even the mother may be limited in her capacity to truly receive love from the child.
As humans, we often have personal limits to the amount of love we can feel, even when we have done extensive healing and spiritual work. The depth of the love we can give and receive is directly impacted by our life experiences as we grow up as well as past life experiences that have carried over from other embodiments.
When we experience something whether it is a happy or a traumatic experience it is critical that we fully feel the moment. This allows the energy to pass through our energy field instead of sticking to it. Happy or Joyous moments are ones we enjoy feeling so often we allow ourselves to fully feel those moments and the energy passes through our energy field freely.
Very painful or Traumatic life experiences, we often are unable to allow ourselves to fully feel the pain of it. You can not remain unattached in these situations. The energy can not simply pass through your energy field in these situations. This pain becomes a wound in your being, a wound in your soul. This pain becomes a wound in your four lower energy bodies. It was a pain that seemed overwhelming to you at the time given your level of consciousness. In order to protect ourselves, we shut down and close our energy field; this often occurs unconsciously.
In the moment of pain or suffering, we create a separate self, as a protection mechanism so we do not have to fully feel the experience. Our soul becomes fragmented. As we close our energy field or shut down, the energy sticks to us and becomes stagnant creating a blockage. Our energetic bodies; physical, mental, emotional and identity bodies carry this stagnant energy, much like a cesspool in a swamp. The energy begins to block the fluid flow of energy through our bodies. The only way to truly free yourself from these blocked energies is to go right back in and re-experience them.
Over time, as we accumulate energy blocks our 7 main energy centres called chakras which operate like a wheel begin to close. We experience less life force energy flowing through us. This results in our energy centres beginning to close; we become unbalanced, we experience less energy, decreased vitality, and loss of creativity. We begin to lose our zest for life, may feel numb and eventually get sick with an array of symptoms leading to disease. Processing stagnant energy blocks within the energy bodies and keeping it clear is critical in our ability to feel love, to give and receive love. Owning our energy is part of our responsibility to free ourselves, to create wholeness once again, allowing for healthy relationships with ourselves and others.
In order for us to truly free ourselves from all trauma, we must go straight back in and re-experience it. There is no way to be free of such experiences by running away from that experience and the pain that it caused. You can become free by going right into the experience because you have moved on in consciousness and it no longer defines you.
The thought of going through this healing process can elicit extreme fear, you may even have thoughts that you will die. You may think you can not handle this. But I assure you, my beloved, you can. I have guided and supported many clients through this healing process. I am able to guide repressed memories to the surface that you have been unconscious too. This allows for healing and release. I do feel it is important to have support during this process as it is a lot to process and move through. Once on the other side, you will feel such relief, liberated, free, and light and your energy channels will be clear. The flow of divine love through you will be magnified. It is simply a glorious place to be!
So one can see the complexity of being human and experiencing human love. Real human love requires a conscious human being to become fully awake and aware of self, to understand their own energy field, how to clear it and maintain it to allow maximum flow of life force energy or chi to flow through them. It also requires one to examine their own psyche, thoughts, beliefs, and judgments of self and others and to question as well as reflect upon whether they are able to give and receive love without the constructs of the human mind, traumatic events, and human-created conditions.
The second type of love one can experience is Divine Unconditional Love also referred to as Universal Love or Heavenly Love. Divine unconditional love has no human conditions placed upon it. When you connect to divine love, you go beyond the linear mind, beyond the human mental filters we create. Divine Unconditional Love is experienced as the presence of God, Source, the Creator ( He who has a thousand names) flowing through you and you are fully open to receive it or to be a clear channel for it to flow through you to another human being, plant or animal.
Personally, I have experienced this love as a flow moving through me and all around me at different moments. The first time I remember feeling such all-encompassing love was when I was at the lowest point in my life. My first pivotal miracle happened. I was all alone, isolated, penniless, thousands of miles from any family entrenched in an abusive relationship. Emotionally and mentally I hit a wall; one morning I was so emotionally broken I was physically not able to stand. I fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably to the inner depths of my soul. At that moment, I cried out to God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, the angels, and anyone I could think of that I recalled from my early childhood memories who may be able to hear me and help me. I fully surrendered to God’s Divine Will asking him to take the wheel and guide me. I had nothing left within me to give. Within moments a floodtide of warm, compassionate love embraced and consumed my being. I felt held like a newborn baby, showered with unconditional love. I cried until the tears simply left me. This unconditional love also came in the form of a second miracle giving me a new chance at life beginning the very next day.
Another mystical experience I had was during a 4-day intensive healing workshop called Awaken The Illuminated Heart with awakened teacher Camellia Val. During the 4 day healing process, meditations and activations I experienced a deep sense of underlying oneness with all life as well as deep unconditional love flowing through me. This divine love’s presence dissolved deep wounds within my psyche. On all levels, I had opened to receive and feel new depths of divine love. There are no actual words I could write to articulate this experience. It was transformative.
Today as an Intuitive healer and spiritual guidance coach, I live my divine purpose daily with love in each moment. My Why (World Helped By You) is…I exist to remove internal suffering from others. Through the act of Service to others, I have come to experience that when I am living my deeper purpose for being and serving another something happens… It’s like a portal or gateway just opens up and the presence of unconditional divine love flows through me to the person I am serving. Some may describe this presence as the holy spirit, God, Source, or Universal Love.
Through guiding others on their spiritual paths, I have come to witness the unfolding of others experiencing the same phenomena of the presence of divine unconditional love flowing through them during the act of service to another. I believe any one of us has the innate ability to tap into this flow of divine love that is already there, we simply need to allow ourselves to open up to it.
Divine Love, my beloved, can be set apart from the Dualistic love of the dualistic mind as it is unconditional. Love is the only element or substance that creates a bridge for acceptance of all the divisions we see present today. Many people can not see true unity, many identify themselves based on outer divisions: such as sexes; male and female, racial groups, ethnic groups, religious groups, and political groups. Many people are so invested in outer divisions that they are unable to communicate at the heart level. They can not come to a common understanding or acceptance of each other. They only see conflict and this is why it is so difficult to see true unity and experience the Divine Love that is weaved through all life.
Divine Love is the only presence that can bridge this gap. You, the Conscious you, the awakened you, can experience Divine love regardless of how identified you are with your physical body, your soul vehicle. You can step outside of your soul vehicle, even if only for a split second, and experience Divine love. When you experience that Divine love, it will transform you. It will transform the way you see the world and everything in it, my beloved.
At The School of Light Alchemy, our goal as spiritual teachers is to provide you with mystical experiences that take you beyond your soul vehicle and provide you with a deep remembering and new reference point of who you truly are. You are so much MORE, my beloved. You may also listen to the longing call of your soul to heal the internal suffering you have been carrying by embarking on a spiritual healing and awakening journey with myself. When you are ready I am here, my beloved.
Infinite ∞ love and light
Renata 🙏🏻